The four stories every successful M7 candidate tells


You’ve poured your soul into it. It paints an honest picture of you. You’ve laid bare your weaknesses and you’ve proudly displayed your strengths. You’ve left no stone unturned. Except one. You haven’t made sure this is the right story to tell.

At the heart of a successful MBA application is an exercise in strategic communications. Yet there are stubborn mistakes I see even the strongest writers make every year in their MBA admissions essays.

They overexplain. They take detours into adjacencies of no value. They miss the chance to communicate the qualities the MBA adcom is looking for. They fail to stay laser focused on the essay question. They make statements instead of providing proof and evidence.

The worst part? Every MBA candidate I speak with has a great story. It’s just that not everyone knows how to tell a great story.

The gap between the story you have and the story you tell can cost you an “admit”.

Get the framework that brings out your unique MBA story — with key concepts you can immediately implement to elevate your MBA application.